The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this: If you use real content in the Consulting Process, anytime you reach a review point you’ll end up reviewing and negotiating the content itself and not the design.
ConsultationArtificial intelligence (AI) research and deployment company OpenAI recently announced the official launch of ChatGPT, a new model for conversational AI. According to OpenAI, the dialogue provided by this platform makes it possible for ChatGPT to “answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests.”
Since its launch, social media has been abuzz with discussions around the possibilities—and dangers—of this new innovation, ranging from its ability to debug code to its potential to write essays for college students. We sat down with our VP Tech Analyst at The Teknologic, Mr. Arnold, to discuss the broader implications of this innovation and the steps that data and analytics (D&A) leaders should take to ensure responsible use of such tools.
Mr. Arnold Says, ChatGPT is the perfect storm of two current ‘hot’ AI topics: chatbots and GPT3. Together, they offer a wonderfully intriguing method of interacting with and producing content that sounds amazingly human. Each is the result of separate, significant improvements over the last five years in their respective technologies. Unfortunately, the content is also sometimes incorrect and the content is never based on a human-like understanding or intelligence. The problem may be with the terms ‘understand’ and ‘intelligent.’ These are terms loaded with implicitly human meaning, so when they are applied to an algorithm, it can result in severe misunderstandings. The more useful perspective is to view chatbots and large language models (LLM) like GPT as potentially useful tools for accomplishing specific tasks, and not as parlor tricks. Success depends on identifying the applications for these technologies that offer meaningful benefits to the organization.
Use cloud-based APIs to consume models, and choose the smallest model that will provide the accuracy and performance needed to reduce operational complexity, lower energy consumption and optimize total cost of ownership. Prioritize vendors that promote responsible deployment of models by publishing usage guidelines, enforcing those guidelines, documenting known vulnerabilities and weaknesses and proactively disclosing harmful behavior and misuse scenarios.
The Teknologic is expanding globally and currently focusing to open offices in more than 30 countries by the end of this year. They have world-leading services and products in the IT industry and they are planning to half-year goal of expanding its business to many other countries in US, Europe and Asia.
They are currently investing their profits to expand their market in United States of America. They are expecting double profits from this market according to the statistics they have researched.
In preparation for this expansion, the company expects to continue increasing sales and market share, thus increasing its global customer base. The Teknologic aims to revolutionize the global digital business industry and successfully transform its mission of using business technology.
“We have seen increasing project activities with our Cloud-Based products along with the growing interest in Mobile App solutions by prospective customers in industries such as food, retail and logistics. Some of our recent projects have included the introduction of innovative turnkey robotics and machine vision solutions to automate various processes, along with digital transformation solutions that drive better operational efficiencies across multiple customer sites”.